The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Ryan Warriner, Author of 'The Effective Presenter: The Winning Formula for Professional Presentations'. Ryan Warriner is a Professor of Communication as well as the Director and Executive Coach of Professional Presentation Services. With over a decade of professional speaking experience and expertise, Ryan has...
Episode #32 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Product Success Consultant, David Fradin.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Product Success Consultant, David Fradin. David Fradin, a San Francisco 49ers die-hard fan. He is also one of the world's leading experts on how to create products that sell. David was classically trained as an HP Product Manager and was then recruited by Apple...
Episode #30 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Terry B. McDougall, Author of ‘Winning the Game of Work’.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Terry B. McDougall, Author of 'Winning the Game of Work'. Terry Boyd McDougall is an Executive Career Coach and best selling Author of the book 'Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms'. In episode 30 of The Value...
Episode #29 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Shane Hatton, Author of ‘Lead The Room’.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Shane Hatton, Author of 'Lead The Room'. Shane M. Hatton is one of Australia's leading authorities on what it takes to be a leader in today's business world. As the Author of the book, 'Lead The Room', Shane discusses with Aileen the models and...
Episode #28 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Dr. Jenine Beekhuyzen, Founder of Tech Girls Movement
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Dr. Jenine Beekhuyzen, Founder of Tech Girls Movement. Dr. Jenine is an Order of Australia (OAM) recipient and on a mission to get girls around Australia and New Zealand and one day the globe interested and engaged in technology and science. In this episode...
Episode #27 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Samantha Jung-Fielding, Founder of Happinessence
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Samantha Jung-Fielding, Founder of Happinessence. Samantha Jung-Fielding is an award-winning speaker, author and thought leader, specialising in motivational drivers, people dynamics and corporate culture. She teaches emotional communication skills and trains organisational leaders to heal the rifts their cultures conceal. In this episode of...
Episode #26 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Bec Derrington, Founder of SourceBottle
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Bec Derrington, Founder of SourceBottle. You know when you do the same job everyday but you know there's got to be a better way to make magic happen? Well that was the situation Bec Derrington faced in her PR Agency often. Until one day...
Episode #25 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Ingo Weidmann, Founder of ChangeBAU.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Ingo Weidmann, Founder of ChangeBAU.. When Aileen met the owner of consulting firm, ChangeBAU, Ingo Weidmann, she knew the way he did business was driven by value. Ingo discusses with Aileen how business as usual can be productive, slick and cost effective all the...
Episode #24 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Nicole Lamond, Founder of Elo̅ments Tea.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Nicole Lamond, Founder of Elo̅ments Tea. In episode 24, the 5th for season 2 of The Value Driven Brand Podcast, Aileen chats with the Founder of the world's first certified organic vitamin tea, achieving ranging in Woolworths along with major chains in the UK...
Episode #23 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Simon Whelan, Founder of Montage Recruiting
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Simon Whelan, Founder of Montage Recruiting. We're getting back into the swing of things in Season 2 of The Value Driven Brand Podcast and in episode 23, Aileen gets to chat to Simon Whelan, the Founder of Montage Recruiting and Montage Digital. Two brands...
Episode #22 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Luke Conners. Founder of Talk2MeBro
The Value Driven Brand Podcast with Luke Conners, Director of Talk2MeBro. Welcome back to Season 2 of The Value Driven Brand Podcast. We rock into episode three with a man who is out to change the world, making it a happier place for the vulnerable everyday. As the Director of...
Episode #21 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Kate Bradley Chernis. Founder of Lately.AI
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Kate Bradley Chernis, Founder of Lately.AI. Welcome back to Season 2 of The Value Driven Brand Podcast. We rock into episode two with the rock star of SaaS herself, Kate Bradley Chernis. Kate talks to Aileen about what a life in the music industry...
Episode #20 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Kate Engler. Founder of Meet The Press Masterclass.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Kate Engler. Founder of Meet The Press Masterclass. Welcome back to Season 2 of The Value Driven Brand Podcast. We commence the new season with The Publicity Princess herself, Kate Engler. Kate is a formidable business woman, mother of two sons and known to...
Episode #19 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Susan Dean. Founder of Dean Publishing.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Susan Dean. Founder of Dean Publishing. This is the final episode for season 1 of The Value Driven Brand Podcast and it was such a joy to spend it with the most wonderful woman in publishing, the Founder of Dean Publishing, Susan Dean. Susan...
Episode #18 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Rhiannon Beach, Founder of Pups4Fun.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Rhiannon Beach, Founder of Pups4Fun. Rhiannon Beach is the epitome of what grit and determination to reach your purpose looks like. In this episode, she talks to Aileen about starting her entrepreneurial career as a young teenager and how despite all the nay-sayers, she...
Episode #17 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Glenn Tranter, Productivity Expert.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Glenn Tranter, Productivity Expert. In this episode, Aileen discusses how to go from a business who thrives on busy to being a business who thrives on productivity, working with areas that you are passionate about and being a high achiever through working smarter and...
Episode #16 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Danny Ginsberg, Arbinger Institute.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Danny Ginsberg, Arbinger Institute. In this episode, Danny Ginsberg, a consultant for the Arbinger Institute and a successful Learning and Development Leader talks to us about what the world needs to create more value and in Danny's experience, it's changing the way we behave....
Episode #15 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Michael Schneider, MD of Bunnings Warehouse AU/NZ.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Michael Schneider, MD of Bunnings Warehouse AU/NZ. In episode 15 of The Value Driven Brand Podcast, I get the privilege of catching up with one of my most marvellous mentors, the one, the only Michael Schneider, the Managing Director of Bunnings Warehouse Australia and...
Episode #14 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Carl Huybers, CEO of Mad Scientist Digital.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Carl Huybers, CEO of Mad Scientist Digital. In episode 14 of The Value Driven Brand, we talk to SEO expert, Carl Huybers, the CEO of Mad Scientist Digital. Carl has a raft of experience in consulting but found his passion in helping businesses do...
Episode #13 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Sean Spence.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Sean Spence. In this episode of The Value Driven Brand, we learn from Sean Spence, the consultant to some very important Australians in leadership, what he has learned along his travels. Sean explains to us the 10 things we can all do to help...
Episode #12 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Mega Thing.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Mega Thing. Meet Martin and Nadine. Martin is the MD alongside Nadine, the CEO of e-commerce mega business, Mega Thing. Together they form a formidable duo who put customer experience at the centre of everything they do. With the distributor rights to brands such...
Episode #11 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Peter Cook, Thought Leaders Business School.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Peter Cook, Thought Leaders Business School. In episode 11 of The Value Driven Brand, Aileen talks to Pete Cook, the Co-Founder of the Thought Leaders Business School. At Business School, Pete and his black belt cohort teach leaders in their fields how to do...
Episode #10 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Mum On the Run HQ.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Mum On the Run HQ. In episode ten of The Value Driven Brand Podcast, I get the pleasure to talk to Jules and Jenna, the women setting the parenting world on fire as the founders of Talk HQ Speech Pathology and now their most...
Episode #9 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Martin Eade, The Sales Strategist.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Martin Eade, The Sales Strategist. I have had the pleasure several times now (avid followers will remember Martin as a guest on my Twitch channel) to learn the sales insights from Martin. Apart from having a very reputable background and clearly a devoted passion...
Episode #8 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Bruce McFarlane, MD & CEO of BlueRock.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Bruce McFarlane, MD of BlueRock Law and CEO of BlueRock Group. Bruce McFarlane is the Managing Director of BlueRock Group. A unique and creative business that specialises in accounting and law. Now creative is not necessarily what everyone thinks of when it come to...
Episode #7 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Michelle Vogrinec, Founder of GAIA Baby.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Michelle Vogrinec, Founder of baby care brand, GAIA. What do you get when you have a driven, self confessed greenie and a child in pain? You get GAIA. One of Australia's most loved and valued baby care brands helping those suffering from skin conditions...
Episode #6 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With David Allison, Co-Founder of The Valuegraphics Database.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With David Allison, Co-Founder of The Valuegraphics Database. What do you get when you take half a million surveys of a statistically representative sample of all the humans on the globe? You get The Valuegraphics Database. We talk to it's Co-Founder, David Allison to learn...
Episode #5 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Yvette Tarrant, The Grief Support Coach.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Yvette Tarrant, The Grief Support Coach. Yvette has been a life coach long before it was a thing and long before it was cool but with the loss of her husband Luke to cancer three years ago, Yvette was eventually led to evolve her...
Episode #4 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Wes Alan, Founder of Tap. Edit. Go.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Wes Alan, Founder of Tap. Edit. Go. Wes is the Founder of Tap Edit Go, and has spent his entire career in film production, from working in the film and TV industry, documentaries, running his own production company to now Tap Edit Go! He...
Episode #3 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Dr. Linda Wilson.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Dr. Linda Wilson. Dr Linda Wilson has been coaching individuals and groups for over 20 years. She is a Managing Director of a multi-disciplinary clinic in Melbourne holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a Graduate Diploma in Education (Health), and is...
Episode #2 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Mick Croudace, Owner of Croudace Constructs.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Mick Croudace, Owner of Croudace Constructs. Mick Croudace is the owner and leader of Croudace Constructs based in Adelaide, Australia. In episode 2, Mick talks to us about his journey through self taught leadership and the lessons he learned along the way to building...
Episode #1 The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Aimee Hair, The Holistic Healing Coach.
The Value Driven Brand Podcast With Aimee Hair, The Holistic Healing Coach. Aimee Hair is a psychic medium based in Townsville, Queensland who has spent much of her life fighting adversity with grit and resilience. In this episode, Aimee talks to us about what creating your own value driven brand...